Building resilience and enhancing nutrition in Africa’s food systems

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The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition has published a new report, Building resilience and enhancing nutrition in Africa’s food systems.

The Report, produced in collaboration with the governments of Malawi, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia, is the result of a 15-month study examining the resilience of food systems in these countries. Funded by Irish Aid, the objective was to foster the development of realistic and pragmatic strategies to substantially enhance each country’s capacity to provide affordable and sustainable, healthy diets for all, ensuring resilience to future challenges, and building on the leadership these countries have demonstrated in the region.


African food systems now face multiple threats, with potentially very serious consequences in the next 20 years. The Global Panel has worked with three African countries – Ethiopia, Malawi and Sierra Leone – to identify the cascade of challenges they are now facing, and how these could impact food systems, and access to sustainable, healthy diets for all in the future.


This report includes important recommendations and advice for leaders at the most senior levels in African countries and international organisations. It is also of direct relevance to decision makers, professionals, actors in the private sector, experts and researchers with interests in food systems and diets. Many of the individuals will be directly concerned with the production, processing, trade, regulation, and supply of food. However, others may work in wider areas of policy and business, for example relating to public health and wellbeing, education and equity, economic development and investment, urbanisation, globalisation and demography.

Finally, it is also of direct relevance to decision makers concerned with the many and diverse threats and crises facing food systems today – environmental, financial, geopolitical and societal.

This report and executive summary set out practical steps which are essential for strengthening the resilience of African food systems and their transformation, and for enhancing nutrition.

A link to the of the launch webinar will be made available shortly.